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Old 10-27-2013, 07:24 AM   #9
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Join Date: Oct 2013
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Posts: 252
I have looked at the IMS bearing issue. The older cars don't seem to suffer it like the later ones.
To be honest, Im not that concerned with it, esp on a 97-99 car.
If I told you .05% of Boxsters suffer internal engine damage due to bad wrist pins are you gonna tear your engine down tomorrow?
I realize that's a question every individual makes but what can I say? If the motor blows it will sit for awhile till I put a new engine in it I guess. Then Ill bet ya Ill have the fastest Boxster in town. lol

Im not new to cars, Im not new to high end sportscars. I wouldn't consider a Boxster as a semi exotic but not new to those either. I can do most repairs myself if I had to but I usually let people I know take care of that for me. They charge me very reasonable rates and a couple of them build race cars for a living so Im in good hands. Again, I know cars pretty well, I just don't get my hands dirty like I used to.

Where Im a noob with these cars is what options make them more desirable or pricey, and it seems prices are higher than what Ive been reading here for low mile (30-40k mile) pristine cars.
I guess its like anything else, supply and demand, so be it. Im not looking to steal it, just pay a fair price and get the best car I can for what Im willing to spend.

Ive owned 3 or 4 Vipers over the years and Ive NEVER spent 2k/year in maintenance. You think Boxster parts/labor is high? lol. Ive spent thousands in upgrades though. Ive been fortunate that Ive never had one break either.
Hey guys, theyre cars....Some break, most don't. I don't need it to get me back and forth to work so I really don't fret on that. Heck, Ive seen new cars blow their engines and ive seen high mile cars that still run strong that never broke anything.

Last edited by evomind; 10-27-2013 at 07:34 AM.
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