Originally Posted by Nine8Six
I think those would nicely shine installed under the D&P doors or inside the front trunk. They would glow only when you open a door of course. Didn't know these neon style leds were available. Interesting hardware.
You'll run the risk to gear up flying bugs in the TB if placed in the air ducts
But I get the idea. Actually, and excellent idea for a show-kinda-car. You'd need those in the front grilles as well to make it a bit more venom looking tho
I actually just made them with neon straws and 1 standard LED each. My boy is a chip off the old block and collects electronics hardware. He gave me these LEDs to use on my car somehow, so I can't let him down. He will love these little "neon" tubes I made...just have to figure out what to do with them.