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Old 09-24-2013, 10:25 AM   #1
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Need advice on Boxster oil leak

I have a 2000 Boxster S, 104,000 miles, purchased about 6 months ago at a good price. Did a PPI, a few normal leaks were noted. After I purchased the car, I had an independent mech replace IMS bearing and RMS plus some other misc stuff.

It still had a small oil leak. Dealer said RMS, a second independent mech said RMS, my original independent said can't be RMS. Took it back to original indep mech and he mounted a camera under the car and test drove it- it appeared the IMS seal was leaking. He pulled the transmission (Tip) and redid the IMS seal, even though it appeared to be dry. Buttoned her up and test drove her and she still leaked.

Finally, upon further review, he found a leak in the seam where the two parts of the engine case the case bold together, right by the IMS.

So, now we know the source- either a seal or the case is porous.


1. Live with it- it doesn't leak much at this point probably less than a quart every thousand miles.
2. Use a heavier oil
3. Trade it in
4, Rebuild motor
5. Find a used one and drop it in.


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