Originally Posted by rp17
I'm not suprised that they are having good results witht that bearing. One of the complaints I recall that with that bearing design wouldn't sit clean to fit the flywheel or clutch. Sure doesn't look like a problem. It also has a secondary bearing as a back up plan. Brilliant!!
The discussion on the Insaro bearing reminds me of the discussion on the DOF on Pelican. None of this would have been possible with out the bearing puller tools I must admit. But I know...off topic.
I wish you many happy miles. And Nice Interior!!
The critisism about fitting the flywheel was because the install pics shown in that original thread were on a tiptronic car. Thus the IMSB cover didn't have a cutout for the flywheel sensor teeth as it would on a manual car. As you see from the pic of my install, the cutout is there, flywheel clears fine. That thread was ugly! Though IIRC it wasn't on our nice happy forum here.