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Old 09-15-2013, 03:21 PM   #26
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Hampshire
Posts: 18
Many thanks again, Guys,

It sounds as if I have overcomplicated things with the levels on coolant and oil, so I'll stick to the readings when cold so as to establish a base line for assessment. I'm already looking into the top of the coolant tank to asses the levels as the tank is really too dense to see the level clearly through it.

The thing is that I don't use her for getting to work and usually only drive her for short distances a couple of times a week, so she is not getting regular use. Anyway, I'll start the process off again in the morning.

Will also give my local Porsche people a ring to find out how much a compression test would be and if it's not too hair raising then she will go in for one at the end of this week.

She didn't feel at all sluggish today when I drove her this afternoon. The coolant is definitely a brown muddy river water...... not thick and yucky looking like the photo posted by Kenny Boxster but definitely not pink, green or yellow. The mist coming out of the exhaust when starting up is white and hardly visible. I had put this down to condensation due to the change in temperature over here as the UK has just gone into Autumn in the last couple of weeks.

I'll post again next weekend and try to stay calm meanwhile.

Enjoy your week and have some good drives x
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