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Old 09-09-2013, 09:53 AM   #53
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Woah, lots of instructions there! Haha jk. Thanks for the help Ian! I'll have to perform this test another day. I went ahead and reconnected the battery again and am going to try and replicate the problem.

For the 1.7mA readings, I had the meter set at DC10A and I'm assuming it was reading in Amperes and not mAmperes. It was readying 1.7A or less when pulling each fuse. When I opened the door and the door lights came on, the reading would be at 3.3A.

I'm using a different meter than what was pictured in this thread earlier. I'm using the following meter now. I had the red cable connected to the red hole on the left side of the meter and the black cable connected to the center. Then I had set the meter to the DC10A setting.

Equus Innova 3320 - Multimeter | O'Reilly Auto Parts
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