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Old 09-07-2013, 06:22 AM   #8
Ian c
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Originally Posted by 3point2 View Post
Thanks for the replies.

No battery light came on. It drove fine on the way home the last time except the radio died. And then when I came home a few days after the car was parked tor restart it, the battery was completely dead. Can the battery completely drain that fast on its own even when the car is turned off?

I'll pick up a voltmeter and check the voltage tomorrow.

What is the earth connection? Where is it located?

Thanks again!
Originally Posted by cas951 View Post
He meant Ground cable. The black cable at the battery terminal. If you have a volt meter connect your wires in series from the neg cable to the negative battery terminal. If there is any voltage drain it will show on your meter. You can disconnect your fuse 1 x 1 till you no longer see any voltage reading with the voltmeter.

I'd start with the radio fuse first.
Oops !!!
My English slipped out after a few beers
Yeah , earth is ground .
You will need a multimeter with milliamps to do the fuse check easily but you can pull all suspect fuses , and any non critical fuses , and work that way .
It will just take longer .

If you are going to buy a multimeter , get one with voltDC , voltAC , continuity/ohms , and amps/miliamps . This will cover most of your uses around the home and car , and once you have one you will find uses for it

An analog is accurate , but I suggest you get a digital .
Have a look on transcat for a fluke , and you can probably pick up a bargain on Craigslist or eBay .

Last edited by Ian c; 09-07-2013 at 06:55 AM.
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