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Old 09-06-2013, 02:18 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by haz View Post
Suprises me that people point out that shows like these are scripted. It's TV guys.
Ditto, Mike's acting when he rolls into the garage to check on Ed's progress is laughable, probably meant to be so.

Entertaining show but the lack of factoring in labor negates 95% plus of any "profit" from any of the episodes I've seen. Judging by the mold and grime visible on the few shots they showed of that Boxster's top and interior it had to take quite a bit of time / effort to clean it up, they never totally got the black paint finish looking right around the trunk script either. Gotta admit though, that car was looking good when they were finished.

Some of the 911 guys met Mike when he was in Dubai filming his "Trading Up" series. Apparently Mike went to a 911 get together over there while searching for his "Super Car", they said he was simply a very high energy guy and was actually like his character on the show even when the cameras were not rolling. In general they thought he was a heckuva nice guy.
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