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Old 09-05-2013, 04:02 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by TeamOxford View Post

"Nine 1/2 Weeks" was made in 1986 and starred Mickey Roarke and Kim Bassinger.

Are you thinking about "The Whole Nine Yards"? Thought Perry drove an econo-box, like a Corolla, in that one. It was filmed in Quebec, circa 2000. Or maybe "The Whole Nine Yards 2", aka "The Whole Ten Yards"? That one was filmed in LA, circa 2004.

You're right, 1 of the whole nine yards where he was a dentist & Willis was a hitman.

I guess the nine 1/2 weeks title dominates my memory!

Ok, thought of a 986 story: PCNA provided Melissa Etheridge with a Cobalt blue 986 hoping she would use it in a music video. When I went to her home in Brentwood CA I found the 986 parked outside under a tree. I had never seen any car so covered in bird crap. She came out to greet me & we talked for a while about her desire for a fun car. Parked under her carport was a BMW 745 & the 66 Falcon she moved to CA in, seen in a previous music video.

Last edited by BYprodriver; 09-05-2013 at 04:23 PM. Reason: redeeming story
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