Originally Posted by KevinH1990
I'd like to be as sure as possible they need to be replaced before I spend the money.
Fair enough
RE confirmation, yes those are the tension cables. However I can't confirm on your roof issue. I reccently had the same problem and new cables did a perfet job for mine - one was snapped in my case and the roof looked exactly as yours (side wrinkles). I'm guessing that if you adjust your cables and nothing move then most likely they are at their MAX (toasted) or one end is snapped off already.
First thing I'd do is ensure that he canvas didn't unglue between the window and the clam. Most of the tension is building there first. It would unglue at that place before anywhere else. double-check!
That top needs fixing for sure. I second other members saying its No big deal at this stage, but what it is going to look in 12 months...hmmmm, dunno. You are right to be concerned. A rag top with wrinkles flapping in the wind at 70mph doesn't look 2cool :/
Luck with the research and fix, let us know how you are doing
Nice car indeed, bit jealous in all honesty