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Old 08-13-2013, 03:34 PM   #9
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I will light a votive candle tomorrow for you in hopes it is something other than the IMS. You took it to a good shop, I've heard others in your area speak highly of them.

Coincidentally, got to talking to the cleaning guy at our office tonight before leaving work, he pulled in in a used 2nd generation Miata. Pretty good looking car with 150k on the clock, he said it has run like a top for the couple of months he has owned it, paid $2500 for it.

He then went on to tell me about the incredible deals to be had on used Boxsters, I sat back and let him educate me for a few minutes. Since I had to leave I let it drop and said I'd talk more to about it next week, he's a good guy but I know that a scenario such as this would be completely devastating to his wallet.

Good Luck Foydawg.
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