Originally Posted by jeffm
I would contact Jeff at xtreme motorsports and order them direct; they should be approx $899 for the pair (his contact info is in another thread). I was one if the first 10 to receive the 2nd gen, and for me, it wasn't exactly plug and play. I had a difficult time locking in the rt side light. When I contacted the vendor, they mentioned they've seen this before and suggested I take a dremmel tool and remove some of the plastic on the locking area! I did this, and it helped slightly, but it still would not fully lock into place. I don't think they ever suggested sending me a new pair.
Even with this "fix", the light would still not fully engage with the harness and I could not keep power to the lamp. I finally had to cut out the plastic holder for the harness and plug it in manually. Even after that, I had to fashion a small bracket to hold down the lamp in place underneath the frunk weather strip panel.
More info on a way to contact "Jeff at xtreme motorsports" would be nice. I did a search for "xtreme motorsports" on the forums and came up with only this thread.