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Old 08-10-2013, 07:02 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by DanNewton View Post
73K miles 2006 Cayman S. Travelling in a straight line on a dry road at around 65mph, the vehicle's engine expired in a huge plume of coolant/oil. Flatbedded to a Porsche dealership, a technician using a boroscope found (according to the dealership) "scoring to #5 cylinder and evidence that a valve had hit the top of the piston. There was also a huge amount of metal debris in the oil filter." This was a result of something failing in the engine, rather than the cause of the failure. The Porsche dealership did not care to determine the cause of the failure. I suspect intermediate main shaft (IMS) failure. One year beyond certified pre-owned (CPO) warranty and $20K for a new engine.
"CPO" most likely means you bought the used Cayman from a Porsche dealer. Go through the same dealership and see if PCNA will help out with the $20K engine replacement cost on "goodwill". 50-50 split isn't all that unusual. Be nice and appeal to their sense of customer loyalty; threats won't get you anywhere in this situation. Good luck!
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