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Old 08-08-2013, 06:35 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by madmods View Post
My work requires me to leave for long period. We are given enough time to get things sorted such as convincing the wife to follow (success), packing stuff (success), renting the mansion (unsuccessful), and storing items such as the red 986 boxster (semi-successful).

If any of you need to store your boxster for a long time, ask your professional to ventilate the car once and a while. They simply wrapped it up with plastic, heated the thing so it wraps to the exact shape of the car and store it into a controlled environment warehouse.

Thing is.... you need to make sure there is no humidity whatsoever anywhere, before wrapping. If like myself you are in a rush, brain-dead from it, and have to deal with a complete less-than professional storage company, don't forget to tell them to dehumidify your car before they wrap it.

I was so happy to come back home weeks before the wife do so I can enjoy a single-guy life a little To find out that the convertible still smells like Vanilla driving roof down on the expressway at 100mph.
Rent an ozone generator and run it in your Boxster for a few hours with the windows and top closed. Make sure the ventilation ducts are opened.

Turn off the machine and run the car for 5-10 min. with the vent system on re-circulation to allow the ozone to flow through the venting ducts.

I actually purchased an ozone generator off of e-bay for less than $200 for a commercial unit. I use it for all sorts of things around the house and in all of my vehicles.

Research "ozone", then give it a try.

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