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Old 07-25-2013, 12:18 PM   #29
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Location: shoreham, ny
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Theres only one set of cats, high flo fabspeed cats on the car. I doubt there shot, but I'll take a listen. still doesnt change my noises. Clutch in at idle no noise, foot off the clutch at idle rattle. Clutch in or out rolling 1st and second there is noise.

I'll take an ear to it after diner. Thanks again for all the advice and you really just saved me thousands.
996 3.4 engine with 2.7 986 5speed transmission
Ebay Headers, Fabspeed high flow cats, JIC Cross, IPD Plenum, H&R Coilovers, B&M Short Shifter, AEM Uego Gauge Type Analog, Apexi S-AFC Select, 987 air box, Litronics, 2000 Tails and side markers, painted center console, 18" 987 S-Wheels, GT3 Front bumper with splitter.
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