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Old 07-24-2013, 06:49 PM   #45
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Posts: 308
Just did the same on the passenger size window. Great DIY
this is what I ended up doing.
when the window was up all the way, the slack in the cable was half an inch or more and the cable can be seen. but all the green end pieces were fine. so the pulley grove must be worn.
by removing the hair clip like pin by the motor drive, I was able to take the green end piece off and take the cable out of the pulley using the notch cut out on the pulley fence. (used photo from member bar10dah's entry in this thread)
purchased a bicycle adjuster with 1/4 inch barrel and similar size thread.
filed off roughly 50% of the thread and with light application of Teflon oil, threaded the adjuster into the green piece.
placed the green end (with the adjuster attached) into the window regulator and while compressing the spring by the motor, routed the cable back onto the pulley.
put back the pin by the motor and then adjusted the adjuster.
I did not have to take the regulator out of the door.
cable tie solution seems to be problematic in that the green piece would no longer sit flat onto the housing and on the motor end, would extend the spring-loaded plunger too far out of the cylinder.
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Last edited by sb01box; 07-25-2013 at 07:40 PM. Reason: size=side, additional info and photos
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