I recently installed one for Trygve!! Turned out nice. We used a 6 port system, but I physically only used 4 of them. One on each side of the engine aimed at the fuel rails, one on the driver, one on the battery tray area (fuel pump is directly below it)
I have installed the electric systems since 04 or so.. and it still *bothers* me to power them up for the first time
Engine Builds, Transmission Builds, Engine Conversions, Suspension Installs, Suspension Tuning, Driver Coaching, Data Acquisition, Video, SCCA/PCA/POC/NASA/GRAND AM/ALMS.
We have worked with amateur and professional drivers for over 26 years. In house machinist, In house fabrication. Our cars, our parts, our engines, our transmission's run nationwide at events every weekend. We work side by side with industry names developing parts.