Hi, with all the activity the site has been getting lately, here's a couple of ideas which might improve things:
1) Can we add a "Original Post" Date to the "Thread Starter" Column on the topics listings (like the "Last Post" info currently, which shows the User ID and the date/time of the last post)? Given the volume of posts recently, this would allow folks that have been around a while to skip the "reawakened Dinosaurs" as new members come on board. Not that the new member comments aren't valuable, but sometimes you only have 10 minutes to catch up on the site activity...
2) There are "banner rotation" "hacks" available for the vBulletin SW that could allow more frequent rotation of the header Boxster pix automatically. Just FYI, if this would save effort for JT or mjbliemel... see
http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-47648 if interested.