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Old 06-13-2013, 12:01 PM   #26
Lover of all things bacon
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Burbank, CA
Posts: 36
I completed the purchase and took delivery this morning. I am now officially a Porsche owner. The car is pretty loaded, with Bose stereo, PSM, PASM, Sport Chrono package, leather seats, 19" wheels, PCM, and nav package. I can't find the sticker with all the options printed on it. I will have to call a dealer and pay for a VIN lookup.

I was worried that I would like driving my Mini better than the Boxster. Well I think that won't be a problem. The noise and the driving experience are completely different. With the Mini, I am usually in 5th gear at 70. The Porsche is better at 3rd or 4th. I wonder if I'll ever use 6th in the Box.

I'll also give the Magnaflo exhaust a chance to grow on me. Except for the drone at 2k - 3k rpms, it makes an awesome sound. Drving on the freeway next to the jersey barriers was great as the engine noise reflected right back to me. What a sound! Oh, and I found out I have a Sport button! I can feel the suspension stiffen up, the throttle response quicken, and the exhaust note gets a little more throaty. I will have to experiment with this.

I'll post pics later once I take some snaps with my phone and get them uploaded.

Last edited by LesMurray; 06-13-2013 at 12:05 PM. Reason: upates
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