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Old 06-07-2013, 11:59 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by capt46 View Post
fenders $125
struts $75 a piece
axles $50 a piece
hubs/spindles $50
make offers
anything else if needed please contact me.
shipping is at your cost big items must be picked up or must have a shipper pick up.
thanks, Bill
Is there any difference for front suspension parts between your base model 2002 and my 2003 S?
I am looking for:
-left front suspension (strut, all control arms, bushings etc.)
-left headlamp plastic panel (headlamp sits on top)
-left inner fender
-left frame rail (cut at firewall)
-side marker light (smoked)
-bunch of other misc items on left side as my car was hit there. I want all the little plastic items, fasteners, the wiring ends cut back a ways so I can splice them in, etc.

Is there anything you don't have on the left front? What kind of package deal could you do?

Last edited by Blloyd29; 06-07-2013 at 02:49 PM.
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