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Old 06-05-2013, 11:10 PM   #7
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Project complete.

Focal 100CA1 just fit, but you must make sure that the original basket ring seats completely on the grill. I achieved this by notching the rim of the grill where the four speaker tabs sit in the basket. You can also just cut the tabs back far enough to allow the lip to fully seat in the basket, however in this case, the speaker is held to the basket only by glue, not by clamping force.

By just fit I mean that on the left side, the magnet just touches a plastic conduit when fully seated. On the right side, the magnet does just touch a bolt in the dash frame and presses slightly against it when the speaker grill is screwed down. We'll see if there are any creaking noises when I take it for a drive.

I think if I did this again I would go for a shallower mount speaker like the Alpine or Infinity. But I do really like the sound of the Focals!!

Great mod.
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