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Old 06-02-2013, 06:17 PM   #2
Damn Yankee
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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IMHO, I think you should take your time in purchasing your Boxster.

Being in Texas, you are in a Boxster-rich area. There are always plenty of examples to choose from, and I would suggest you sample as many as possible. Eventually you will encounter one that meets all of your criteria.

Someone once told me that finding the "right" one will take about a year. The fact that you are reading the forums and educating yourself about the nuances of finding a good example is an excellent start.

You will find that most of what you'll rely on is just plain old common sense. Driving the car is somewhat of an emotional experience, deciding which one to buy shouldn't be.

In the final analysis, if anything about the car doesn't seem right, don't buy it. When you find exactly what you're looking for, but are concerned about the IMS bearing, just allow yourself the $1500.00 to get it replaced immediately after purchase. And you might as well change the clutch and RMS while you're at it.

Some great sources of used Boxsters:
Porsche dealers offering certified used Boxsters
PCA members selling their Boxsters
Private owners selling clean Carfax models with detailed service records

Feel good about your purchase, do it right, sleep tight, and then enjoy the Boxster experience!


Last edited by TeamOxford; 06-02-2013 at 06:58 PM.
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