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Old 06-01-2013, 12:29 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by shadrach74 View Post

I'll submit it again if anyone can provide instrumented data showing that a stock porsche thermo remains closed while the there is water in the system that is well above 186df, then by all means produce it.

If in fact the steady state temps are in the 215 to 220 range for this vehicle then the issue is with the capacity of the system and no thermostat is going to change that.
The OEM stat is rated to start to open at 186F; you can prove it for your self, just take an OEM stat and suspend it in a beaker of water with a thermometer in it, apply heat, and watch what temp it starts to opens at (186F), and what temp it is fully open at, which is much higher.............

The 215F+ running temps are real, try hooking a scanner with PID capability up to the car and take it for a ride, you just might be surprised at how hot it gets....... Then repeat the same test on a car with the 160F stat and see what you get; the "proof is in the pudding"..........
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