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Old 06-01-2013, 06:37 AM   #16
Damn Yankee
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Originally Posted by Steve Tinker View Post
C'mon Oxford, who's the winner - don't be shy.......
What struck me straight off was the oil level gauge. I think it's obvious that the picture was taken immediately after the key was turned, but the car not started.

Here's a shot of my dash under basically the same conditions:

Notice that some of the bars in the oil level gauge are illuminated. As you know, they will all flash on and off until the timer reaches zero. My thought was that the gauge was faulty. But since the bars are flashing, could it be possible that the picture was snapped at the exact same instance that the some of the bars were turning off, and just before the next set of bars were turning on?

Well I'll be darned if I didn't replicate that also:

So........what's wrong with the original posted picture? Maybe nothing, but I sure thought it was funny that the owner of the Boxster would post a classified ad for the car with a picture of an oil level gauge that read zero.

Thank you all for playing; it was great reading all your responses, and we'll see you all again on the next edition of "What's wrong with this picture?"


p.s. What's wrong with this picture:

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