ccjazz, I think you are safe to conclude that your engine has the dual-row bearing unless, since the date of manufacture, the engine has had as IMS replacement, or a remanufactured engine installed. Your engine serial number is from the range in which dual-row bearings were still being installed and the fact that your car's serial number also does not appear on Porsche's list for coverage in the settlement, tends to confirm that it is a dual-row (the settlement only applies to single-row).
If you read the
Pelican Parts - Porsche Parts & BMW Parts & Mercedes Parts - Automotive Parts and Accessories - Porsche & BMW & Mercedes technical article on the 'Boxster Intermediate Shaft Bearing Replacement and Upgrade', at page 4 of 11, they refer to the engine numbers and then say:
"However, as mentioned previously, practical experience has determined that these numbers are not 100% correct. Porsche replaced and/or repaired a lot of engines over the years and as a result there are a lot of engines out there where parts are mixed and matched." He cites an example of the 3.4 engine he bought from a 1999 Porsche 996 (which of course should have had the dual-row bearing), but which had been previously worked on and had the single-row bearing IMS installed. It seems that when Porsche repaired/replaced engines after the introduction of the single-row bearing, that is what they installed even if the original engine was a dual-row.
We know your engine is not a Porsche remanufactured engine as the engine serial number does not have the letters AT which denote the same. However, if the engine was worked on at a dealership or elsewhere and had the original IMS replaced prior to your purchase, it could still have a single-row. Of course, the same could be said of even the earlier 2.5's (all of which originally had dual-row bearings). Indeed, as a number of those cars had engines replaced due to problems that did not exist in the 2.7's and 3'2's (e.g. block porosity), the odds of an early 2.5 having a single-row due to engine replacement may be even higher.
Whitedogs, as a 2002 it is probably a single row, but I would check the serial numbers from the settlement of the class-action suit.