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Old 05-30-2013, 07:21 PM   #20
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 51
(Tried to make this post earlier this evening along with a picture of my car - but I think that I'm too new here to post with pictures. My apologies in advance if it shows up as a double post.)

Guys - I'd also like to say thanks to everyone for taking the time to help out some new owners by responding to this post.

The responses make great sense and definitely provide some reassurance that there probably is nothing to worry about.

I plan to drive my car in the manner it was made to be driven and address IMS upgrades when I'm much further down the road.

Hayden - my car has already been into TPWS (in N. Austin on Lamar) for some preventative work: inner and outer CV boots, plugs, coil packs, oil, and tranny fluid change, and brake flush. Basically the 30K service minus a few bits.

TPWS is Porsche only and they seem very knowledgable about IMS replacement. They even have examples of both single and dual row bearings that have failed in their office. They have LN bearings in stock and like to take the angle of helping the client save $ on labor when possible. (Like timing the bearing replacement when it's time for a new clutch...) They also like to educate their clients about the cars and what to expect. I definitely learned a lot when I was there.

Good luck with your new car!
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