'Rocks in a tin can' doesn't sound like suspension components, unless it is sporadic rattles over bumps. While the suspension repair would be nice and would no doubt improve handling and ride, it is a lot of money if it does not correct the problem. Do you have a indy you trust? If not, it may even be worthwhile to go to the dealer for a diagnosis before you opt for that much money in parts. If the noise is constant at low speeds, even on smooth payment, I would think that it has to be something else.
If the CV joint boot on the passenger side (where the noise emanates from ) is torn and there is a clicking noise from that side when you move the axle, it strikes me that this is a good starting point (although I would expect you would also hear clunks/rattles when taking off from a standing start if the CV joint was gone.....). I would try to get a diagnosis from a mechanic experienced with these cars before jumping in with both feet.