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Old 05-27-2013, 11:02 AM   #15
joe shmoo
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Originally Posted by Jittsl View Post
As someone who also went "backwards" from DEing a GT3 to building and then club racing a Specbox I can probably offer plenty of advice along the road. Do not hesitate to email me at if I can be of any help. I will also put you in touch with Texas spec Boxsters on Facebook.

Couple of quick things. Be prepared that the front bumper and rear spoiler have to go. And (although it looks like you already have a plan) ditch the top and go for a lightweight roof. You can sell yours for more than you'll pay for the replacement and you'll loose the easiest weight from the best place.

Before you start read the rules many, many times. They are really clear and list exactly what you can do. It also by default tells you what you can't do - that is, anything that it doesn't say you can do. If in doubt ask someone who has been through it before. Can't speak for California but the Texas racers I have met (and that's most of them) are all the most generous I have ever met in every regard - that is until it's race time.

Enjoy, Laurie
i was prepared to replace the rear deck+spoiler but the front bumper too?
oh well... i've started stripping!
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