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Old 05-22-2013, 01:46 PM   #4
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Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 48
Ok, not a Boxster so apologies but it was at least a Porsche, a lovely 944 Turbo Cabriolet I used own.

I had led a week long Porsche Club Ireland tour around the Scottish Highlands a few years ago and as we got very close to the Ferry port at Stranraer in Southern Scotland on the way home, my engine started to boil, small crack in a rad hose... No biggie! Pulled into the ferry port and checked in, got sent to our loading line and que'd up... Jumped out of the car with a 2 litre bottle of mineral water I was drinking from and took a look under the bonnet. Due to some dodgy electrical wiring on the car previously the doors were set to lock about 3 seconds after the doors were closed while the engine was running.... The Boat was about to load so while under the front of the car assessing the leak I decided to let it cool and load with water when on board (it would last another few mins I reckoned.) then I heard the dreaded clunk of my drivers door being shut by a big hairy biker trying to walk past to get a cup of tea... Yep! you guessed it... ferry starts to board, I'm standing outside a locked but running Porsche.... Thankfully the same biker who had closed my door had a small penknife.... In through the rear plastic window! Worst and most expensive knife swipe ever! Felt pretty stupid too....
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