Thread: Over heating
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Old 05-09-2013, 11:49 AM   #1
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Over heating

I have a Tiptronic 2002 Boxster with 2.7 engine. Last 3 months ago, I found a leak coming off the edge of the water pump. So I replaced the water pump and since I already there, I also replaced the thermostat with a low temperature thermostat. I successfully replaced both parts and followed what pedros garage instructions on bleeding. Since my car is a Tiptronic, I removed the fuse B-1 to deactivate the coolant valve, open the bleeder's top (ribbon wire) and poured the coolant up to the reservoir's neck. I started the engine, revs to 2000 RPM, fill-up the reservoir and do it repeatedly until no more coolant flows in to the system.

I even turn on the heater to the max to help the coolant flow. I even touched the water pump hoses to make sure that they are very hot. And they are. My problem now is the temperature go up more than 180 which is too high, even after replacing the thermostat with 160 low temperature thermostat. Something is wrong.

I tried to do the bleeding many times but the cooling system appears not working. Also, I found out that when the temperature passed 180 degrees, the bleeder's ribbon wire goes up so high because of back pressure. I am now thinking maybe, there are air pockets in the system. I just ordered a vacuum fill coolant system from amazon and hopefully, it will arrive this weekend. Maybe, once I get all those air pockets, I can keep the temperature below 180. What do you think?
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