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Old 05-08-2013, 12:50 PM   #5
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Adjusting at the shifter would be an absolute last resort. One step after using a bungy cord and a pair of vice grips to shift.

I'm sure I did something wrong. Assembling the linkage was one of my worry points as I was replacing the clutch. When it came time to attack it, I completed it within two minutes. (I used the time I had saved for the slave cylinder that I figured would be a piece of cake. I hate bleeding air from lines so I avoid it at all costs)

I'm going to double check that the two cables are seated in the bracket dealy thing, which I'm 84% sure they are.
Then I'm going to make sure that bracket dealy thing is not bent. Without a tranny jack, getting the trans in and out was a grueling task and perchance I may have forced something that bent it.
Then I'm going to have to phone a friend and lay underneath while they shift to learn how those magic cables actually work and try to determine what the problem is.

I was just hoping that because I've seen 3-4 threads about this, that this was somewhat common and that someone knew exactly what to do so I could be driving this afternoon.
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