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Old 01-09-2006, 05:51 PM   #16
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 40
Hey, I live in the Toronto area. We already have a toll road that use car mounted transponders to automatically track when you are on and off the toll road. You then receive a bill in the mail. Without the transponder you are charged an extra $2 off and on with a license plate photo. Not too hard for them to do the math and figure out how fast you are going. But they don't. They use regular police patrol, and standard radar. Why you ask? About 8 or 9 years ago we had a provincial government (like your state government) that instituted mobile photo radar. Quite a money grab. That government was defeated in the next election with one of the oppositions best promises; get rid of photo radar. The voters spoke. Our public transport stinks. We don't have enough multi-lane highways. Interestingly enough our main Toronto Porsche dealer is right off this toll road and always uses it for your test drive. That's where I first drove my Boxster S. Luckily no tickets.
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