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Old 04-16-2013, 04:54 AM   #27
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 598
Sam C, sorry your experience with the Boxster did not meet your expectations. I don't know the specifics of your car, but it is a little unfair to owners of other Boxsters to suggest that the "only benefit is the artificially inflated sense of self-worth." Most of our egos don't need stroking either!

You say that you can get higher driving satisfaction for less money, but history suggests that you are wrong. When the 986 was introduced the reviews were virtually unanimous - it was one of the best handling, best balanced sports cars of all time and a relative bargain. The reviews for the new 981 are essentially the same: they are at the top of their class and tremendous bang for the buck. The handling, braking, acceleration, top speed, and yes the glorious exhaust note all contribute to an incredible driving experience.

If someone buys a new Boxster, you get a cutting-edge car at a reasonable price and you get the benefit of a factory warranty. For those of us who purchase used, care must be taken. We must understand that while used Boxsters can be had for less than many economy cars, they are decidedly not economy cars and the cost of maintenance can be quite high. We must also keep in mind that some of these cars (the 986's) are now between 9.5 and 16.5 years old! Its not just the mileage, but age that contributes to wear and tear on any automobile.

Parts are expensive - although they are not cheap for an old Mercedes or BMW either. One cannot expect the parts costs for a relatively limited-production vehicle that originally cost 3 X that of a Toyota Camry (if not more) to cost the same to maintain.

Sadly, I suspect that many have bought used Boxsters because the initiation fee (i.e., initial purchase price) is now incredibly low for what the car delivers. Many do not maintain them properly and when repairs are required (e.g., the water pump) replace them with low-priced Chinese parts that are doomed to fail even more quickly. In life, it is often true that we get what we pay for. In the case of a used Boxster, you get a low initial purchase price for such an incredibly well-balalnced and fun car, but must understand that the cost of ownership reflects that of a car that was intitially quite expensive, and is now getting quite old.


Last edited by southernstar; 04-16-2013 at 07:07 AM. Reason: sp
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