So anyway... what kicked the job off was the clutch went out late last fall. Initially, it wasn't really a clutch issue as much as the slave cylinder puking all the fluid out all over the ground. I replaced the slave cylinder, bleed the clutch and thought that would be the end of it. Not so. Still wouldn't shift in a usable manner. Bleed the clutch over and over trying to solve the issue. Started to look hard at the master cylinder but saw no indication of failure and am reluctant to just throw parts at a problem. Meanwhile, the seals gave out on the new slave cylinder. Replaced it under warantee. Still no real improvement and bleeding the clutch was still ineffective. Since it was about time to park it for winter anyway, I decided to park it and tackle some other more pressing projects.
About a month ago, I pulled the Box in to begin a mini makeover to get it ready for spring.