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Old 04-08-2013, 01:41 PM   #71
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Scotland
Posts: 81
1999 2.7 1 previous lover, FPSH and 63K

I just keep it in the garage locked up until the weather is good and then I go for a blast.
The IMS bearing is not an issue to me. I drive it sometimes hard, sometimes softly.
I think the base Boxster with minimal gadgets is one of most amazing cars to own and drive.
I am 42, fairly well off and see no need for a different sports car, for the money there is nothing close.
If I ever have to do a clutch or RMS I will have the IMS bearing changed, no doubt but not until then.
I could pick up a low mileage 2.7 engine from a crashed car for approx £3k so it's not too bad if the engine blows to bits, not that it will, but to be honest if it did I would quite like to rebuild the engine over the winter as a project..
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