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Old 03-28-2013, 09:09 AM   #70
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**Subscribed** AGAIN!.

I'm like most and have responded with my honest opinion to this and other threads that are all related and running at the same time.

I had to get peace. I wanted to keep the car. Some say a P of this age is a cheap car... that may be the case but its still an expensive lawn ornament or a total B@ll ache to part-out if it goes bang.

So i did not ask opinions - i quietly read up and i made my choice and made my peace. I had two obstacles!!! My wife and my wise old dad.

Both told me i was nuts, that it was fine, it would not happen to me, told me to think about the cost of the repair in relation to the value of the car.

I offered them both the same deal. I would pay them £500.00 with which they could do with what they wanted. This was my 'insurance'. The deal was that if the engine goes bang because of the IMS ANY TIME during my ownership they had to pay for it to be rebuilt, say £6k! If they were so confident then they could spend the £500.00 and never worry! Strangley with that on the table neither had the same confident outlook and soon agreed that it was an ok investment if i intend to keep the car - which i do.

Look at it like this - Its rather like a rubber cam-belt in any other car - would you leave it on there for 10 years or 100k miles would you? No - you would take preventive measures. Yes i know that cam-belt changes on other cars are cheaper... but you have a porsche! What did you expect. Treat it as a part of the car that can and will need maintenance. If this cost is an issue... you have bought the wrong car for cheap thrills - go and buy an MR2 turbo!

Just my 2 pounds worth!

There is no right or wrong - there is rationale on both sides , you only need to sqaure it away with yourself. It depend if you are the worrying kind and risk averse, or if a porsche of this age does indeed represent a cheap beater. Ultimately you have to weigh up the odds for yourself and live with a decision.

Un-subscribing now as i have made that decision and i sleep very soundly - not smug, just happy.
Don't care......was made to care! (my Mum)

Last edited by EssexPorsche; 03-28-2013 at 09:14 AM.
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