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Old 03-27-2013, 03:40 PM   #36
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I have a 1999 tiptronic boxster with 100k miles. I bought it not quite a year ago, and it's my everyday driver. I did some research before buying and read about the IMS issue. I was going to get a warranty when I bought the car or have it replaced, but I decided not to. At first, I was a worried that it could happen but now I don't think about it. I really haven't had any problems with my boxster (knock on wood). The small dealership I bought it from replaced the convertible plastic window after it was revealed taking off the hard top that it was ripped, I've changed the oil, and had a tire replaced after I ran over something (not quite sure) on a highway. My boxster has been super reliable, and I could tell when I bought it that it was well taken care of by the previous owner. Stop worrying and enjoy it!
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