I was just like JD. This issue plagued me. I bought the car without any knowledge of and IMSB, searched the internet for a totally unrelated question and stumbled across 'the issue'. From that moment on the seeds of doubt were sown and every drive felt like a roulette wheel spinning behind me rther than a sweet engine. No i am one of life natural worriers, if there is something to worry about.... i'll worry about it good and proper.
So sleepless nights were had, i truely mean that! I lost weight thinking that if it grenaded i would have an expensive lawn ornament but not knowing whether or not i could justify the cost for a 5% failure rate. Over and over - really put alot of pressure on my wife as well. sad times for a toy that was meant to make me happy.
Anyway - i decide, bang for buck, i totally love my 3.2s so two wwek ago i pulled the trigger. LN upgrade, new clutch, and RMS.
Guess what a 75k single row bearing looked like??? that's right....like new!!!
Clutch less than half worn.
So did i need to do it - well no in reality but in my mind i am at peace. I'm not being dramatic. I have slept so well since doing it and everytime time i drive the car i truely feel happy. I know other things can go wrong and will. But i expect that. So for me it was money well spent - and if i had to i'd do it again.
That just because of the way i am - its not the right path for everyone.
2002 3.2 S 75K (full history)
Don't care......was made to care! (my Mum)