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Old 03-14-2013, 10:13 AM   #6
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Thank you so much for the nice comments.

I will add that now, being able to hear the engine and exhaust, my driving experience has become so much better. The audible feedback from the car has changed the way I drive, which is something I wasn't expecting. Before, I believe I would lag the engine or shift too early just not being able to hear.

juicepro - Your rattle sounds different than what I had been experiencing. Mine would really only be noticeable after the car had warmed up just a bit. Fabspeed exhausts aren't inexpensive. If you just want to rid yourself of the rattle, check the heat shielding on your cats; the fasteners can rust or otherwise fail... The Maxflo system deletes the secondary cats. Though the video is old and they've made quite a few changes since filming, here's a good video by Fabspeed themselves explaining: Fabspeed Motorsports Porsche 986 Boxster Maxflo Muffler Explanation Video - YouTube

dagdisco03 - I don't believe you will be sorry if you bought one. On startup, the Maxflo immediately sounds different: nice low growl, then a low rumble as it idles... At static highway speeds, you definitely can hear the exhaust. I wouldn't call it a "drone", it's just very different in that you can hear your exhaust now. My 986 S stock exhaust was dead silent (aside from the clang). If you get the Maxflo, I guarantee you will start planning your routes to find ones that have bridges or overpasses you can drive under. It just sounds so smooth and tough. Oh, I kept my stock headers and primary cats. Fabspeed headers/sportcats were just more than I wanted to spend, and I didn't want to mess with O2 sensors, check engine lights, possible backpressure and hp loss issues, or more pollution with a catless header setup...

Last edited by TheProspector; 03-14-2013 at 11:31 AM.
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