Originally Posted by Meir
That's funny.
Looks like this subject always creates an argument.
I remember when I firs joined the forum I asked the same question.
Based on the answer I got, I decided to go with castrol 10-40. But I live in Florida 
What intrigues me (and I'm still looking for an answe) is how come most of the people are using 0-40, when the owner manual is not recommending this option.
Yes, look at your manual and you will find out recomendetion for oil weights based on ambient temperature.
15-50 is on the list. 0-40, not.
So where did it came from 
BTW you can find the same information in the Bentley book.
Meir, the short answer is, that Porsche is updating their recommended oils list all the time (yearly) for brand and viscosity. So, our Owner's Manuals become out dated in short order. Same is true for recommended service intervals.