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Old 12-22-2005, 06:26 AM   #14
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With the pasting they took this year with hurricanes and the likes I am not surprise that they have opted not to insure the RUF. I would think that the demographics for a RUF have to up there with plenty of money, lots of assets in short well heeled. Also the cost of the RUF for the performance gains is quite one sided. At 40K to 50K USD for an additional 10mph and 1/2 second quicker do the math. I have a 2003 S and it is plenty fast. Actually the top speed is faster than the Cessna I used to fly. Top speed (160plus) which is faster than the never exceed speed on a C-150.
I learned in my business that insurance people are very nice and courteous when you are paying their bills but that they show their true colors when they have to pay out a claim and that they are always looking for an angle to charge you more.
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