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Old 02-03-2013, 11:38 AM   #1
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Posts: 19
Faulty digital MPH Gauge? 2004 Boxster.

The digital mph gauge is behaving strange on my 2004 Boxster. It was fine on Friday when I drove it back from the garage where I purchased it from but on Saturday morning the gauge only displayed 2 horizontal lines at the top instead of the full numbers.

I pulled over, turned the engine off, locked doors, opened them etc...and put the key back it and started it back up and more than just the 2 lines appeared but not the full numbers.

After driving 5 mins the numbers slowly built up until they appeared fully but this morning whilst cleaning the car and moving it around on the drive its back to just 2 horizontal lines at the top again.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it a full new light cluster job to rectify it??

Help/feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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