Originally Posted by WhipE350
Same here if you are in Charlotte. I'm up for the mountain run, I try head up for a fun run at least once a month. We may have met if you attend the Wayneville Inn show each Aug.
Usually go to waynesville just for the day as the focus is car show, not driving event. We are trying to change that and add a good rally or driving tour this week. We do attend just about every event in zone 3 PCA if you would be interested in some of them. Also there are a group pf us that do a " drive of the month " where we each take turns and plan a good drive and lunch for the group. Sometimes a 2 or 3 day trip. Last week I led one with about 4 hours of choice mountain roads and lunch at ridgewood BBQ in bluff city, Tn. Some of us are leaving sunday for the outter banks for 3 days. We have a great west virginia trip in late april for 3 days. If you are interested in getting in on any of this give me a call at 828 385 3100 anytime. Be warned, we are into driving not polishing.......