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Old 01-18-2013, 09:33 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by thstone View Post
This morning in an upscale residential area, I come to a stop sign. Stop. Quick look at both sides. All clear.

Just as I am engaging the clutch to start across the intersection, I notice some movement out of the corner of my eye to my right. I'm about half a car length into the intersection and I turn my head and see a bicyclist coming straight into the intersection. I slam on the brakes as he runs the stop sign and goes right past the front of my hood.

I'm a little peeved, so I honk the horn. He slams on the brakes, turns around, flips me off and yells at me to F-off. I let it go and simply drive away.

As a long time road bicyclist and having been hit twice and nearly hit more times than I can remember, I am generally on the bike side in the bike vs car argument, but I am not sure why bike riders like this go out of their way to antagonize a driver. I thought that I did him a favor by not running him over but I guess that he didn't see it that way.

And then we bike riders wonder why drivers seem to hate us.
He was probably a cyclist that lost a race to Lance Armstrong, one of the tours… There are a few cyclists out there that are very upset.

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