Originally Posted by Bala
I received a Bosch maf for replacement to the aftermarket that was not doing its job. They promised me it is a brand new one. The label seal on the box was cut and the maf was wrapped in some kind of oily paper. And then they stuffed brown packing paper into the Bosch box itself. And just as I had a gut feeling, the resistor was bent due to the way they packed it. I recall receiving the aftermarket ones on thermocol box like packing. Aren't the oem supposed to be as well? They are sending me another but it's been so frustrating and has been a waste of their time and money and mine as well.
What I advice fellow owners is that go for the oem part when it come to maf especially. The after market is 109 and Autohauz is currently selling the Bosch for 170. You will be chasing so many collateral issues potentially with the aftermarket. But, it has worked for some like JD. IMO it's not worth saving the 60 or so bucks.
For the record, I neither advocate nor discourage the use of aftermarket parts. In the case of my maf sensor, since the seller offered me a no hassle return, I took a chance and gave it a try. As I said, the sensor that I received was identical in every way to the oem part. And, two years later (and with only $89.00 invested) it's still performing perfectly. Is this an exception to the norm ? Perhaps, but my only objective was to share my experience with the rest of the forum. It's clear that there has been a mixture of positive and negative results with regard to other members using these knock-off sensors.