Thread: CARFAX Report
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Old 12-30-2012, 08:41 PM   #2
Autobahn Glanz
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That was pretty fast. It's interesting how good a thing and how bad these reporting services have become to the used auto sales market. Everyone appreciates the history these services (like CarFax) provide but basically a car becomes untouchable no matter how minor a report is. I'm not sure they don't cause more harm then good. Think about it, a guy backs into my girl friends hood of her Nissan and the hood has to be replaced. In reality it actually made the car better but totally made her car unsellable and dropped the value of it. Have to take the other insurance company to small claims to reclaim the lost value of the car. So basically if someone else is as fault and does minor damage to a Boxster (minor damage can run easily $1000) it now stays with the car forever which means no one will ever want the car.

I have looked at purchasing several used cars that were greatly reduced in price because of a report showed up but then I realize if I want to ever sell it I probably won't be able to, especially since I don't keep cars more than two years.

Ok sorry to have changed the subject and gone on a rant, it's just been bugging me for a while.
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