Originally Posted by Bfan
Hi guys and greetings from Reykjavik.
I think this is an very interesting subject. Am I right in thinking that if Homeboy981 goes through with his plan and has the secondary sensors deleted when he gets the remap and simply removes them, he:
-will not get the dreaded CEL,
-he will pass smog test,
-he is likely to loose some mid range torque
-it will take the cats longer to warm up, but there are no secondary sensors anymore to trigger CEL,
-he will not get a warning if the cats fail in the future without secondary sensor (not suchs a big deal!)?
JD or BPD, please enlighten me if I am misunderstanding something
Hi Bfan, this is generally true except, engine efficiency+ quality & surface area of cat cells determines emissions reduction to pass emissions test. He will lose low rpm power transitioning to gains somewhere in mid range & up.