Hello Barkin
You can try this if you want, it has worked for me many times over the years. You will need a nail punch with a thin end, now if you grind a point on it your ready to start. Douse sump and fill plugs over night with some penetrating oil. Then what you do is, on the flat of the plug near the outer edge punch a good indent, then angle the punch, about 45 degrees, pointing in the way you undo the plug ( anti clockwise normally ), give it a good strike with the hammer, You may need to hit a couple of times, at all time make sure the punch is pressed firmly on the plug. This should do it, watch for slight movement, that's all you need , then get you spanner on it. I always fit new plugs after and put some copper grease on for easy out next time.
Last edited by derfo; 11-07-2012 at 02:49 AM.