Originally Posted by Mike_Yi
I feel your pain man.
47 year old airline pilot (First Officer) at a regional airline (that means I make a hell of a lot less than Bruce, and work way harder/am gone from home more). Currently in the middle of my 5th year in this profession. Went from making a reasonable wage as a project manager (hated that job with a passion) to spending around $50k to finish up my flying, to making $12k as an instructor for a year, to making $17k as a professional airline pilot responsible for the lives of 50+ people many times a day.
I had been hoping to get a job at that major airline that is currently in bankruptcy, but now, I don't know where I hope to go.
Sorry to hear guys. Life in Europe isn't much better, I'm afraid. Same situation over here. Flying for a regional daughter company of one of the majors. Getting paid a lot less then the rest of the company. On the other hand... still go to work with a smile on my face and enjoying the views over Paris, Amsterdam and London. Life could be better, be could also be a lot worse.