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Old 10-12-2012, 10:40 PM   #26
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Canyon Lake, Texas
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Here's the breakdown I got from the dealer:
996-111-107-55 EXHST MANF $25.66 (2) = 51.32
900-378-131-00 HEX SCREW $3.57 (12) = 42.48
996-113-113-00 EXHUST GA $6.90 (2) = 13.80
900-074-287-02 HXHD BOLT $10.71 (6) = 64.26
Grand Total = 172.22 + 13.99 tax = $186.21!!

those HXHD BOLT's are for the header-to-midpipe flange. $11 a piece?? he told me they were brass, but damn! this was all "Special Order" except for the manifold gaskets as well.

posted in case anyone else was curious or needed the part numbers.

EDIT: What's so fancy about those header bolts?? looks like they call for "Hexagon-head bolt, M 8 X 28". is this something I could pick up at the hardware store? what's the "pitch" on these? 1.25?

Last edited by stateofidleness; 10-12-2012 at 10:51 PM.
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